Fifield Bavant Church

Fifield Bavant Church

Fifield Bavant Church on 5th April 2009

Fifield Bavant Church on 5th April 2009

Local Events

For the Services calendar, see Church Services.


St Martin's
Fifield Bavant

01722 417900

Fifield Bavant Church Restoration Appeal; contact William Hillary,

Fifield Bavant Bell Turret

The South Wilts Church Magazine dated October 1909 says:-

"THE BELL TURRET. - This little addition to our parish Church is now very nearly finished. It will give a finish to the little building and make it look like a Church. When the workmen depart we shall have from one source or another to find the money to pay the builder. Mr Herrington of the farm will be most pleased to receive any donation however small towards the extinction of this necessary debt."

Chalke Valley Bulletin and other messages

This is the Chalke Valley Bulletin for July 25th 2024 (PDF document, may take a little time to download).

This is the Letter to Chalke Valley Benefice (DOCX document, may take a little time to download).

Special Announcement

As you will be aware last week we held interviews for the position of Team Vicar in the Chalke Valley Benefice. Once again, I would like to thank all of you who supported the recruitment process in any way.
Three candidates attended for interview and two of them were outstanding. As a result the Bishop of Ramsbury has requested that the following announcement is made in our churches this week and this is repeated here for those of you who are unable to be in church this weekend.

Following the interviews for the post of Team Vicar in the Chalke Valley Team Ministry, the Bishop of Ramsbury is pleased to announce that, subject to the usual statutory checks, he has appointed The Rev'd Alison Waterhouse to the post and she has accepted. Alison is currently serving in the Benefice of St Peter's, Petersfield, in Hampshire. A date for Alison's licensing will be determined in due course. Please pray for Alison as she prepares to leave her current post, and move to Wiltshire.
The Bishop is also pleased to announce that following the interviews, he has offered The Rev'd Kate Woolven the post of Associate Priest within the Chalke Valley Team Ministry, and that Kate has accepted. The Bishop anticipates Licensing Kate as soon as the usual statutory checks have been completed.
Please pray for Kate as she moves into this formal appointment as a member of the ministry team.

Jenny and I are delighted with this outcome and look forward to Alison and Kate joining the ministry team in due course.
With love and prayers,
Ruth and Jenny
The Rev'd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley
The Rev'd Canon Jenny Taylor
Chalke ValleyBenefice

Message from Chalke Valley Churches Team Administrator

Hello all
Please see below an announcement of exciting news in our Benefice…..
"Following an interview with the Chalke Valley Patronage and Appointment Panel on Wednesday last week,
the Bishop has offered the post of Team Rector to The Rev'd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley, and we are delighted that Ruth has accepted the post.
A date for Ruth’s Licensing as Team Rector will be determined in due course.
This also means that the recruitment of a Team Vicar to join the team will also begin.
Please pray for Ruth, Jenny, and the other members of the ministry team, as they continue to minister within the Chalke Valley".
Emily Broomhead
Chalke Valley Churches Team Administrator

Church Websites





Chalke Valley Churches


07890 262376

Chalke Valley Churches Broad Chalke page with online calendar.

Church Times Archive



Church Times Archive 1863 to today

This is the Chalke/Cueibet Partnership Newsletter 8 (PDF document, may take a little time to download).

This is the Fellowship Study Group (PDF document, may take a little time to download).


You can read about local Church news, events, coffee mornings, sales and auctions, etc. on Chalke Talk on Chalke Talk which is also available in the Church or Chalke Valley Stores Coffee Shop.


Some of the content on this page has been reproduced with the kind permission of the CHALKE TALK management.