Thomas Burrough : Broad Chalke
Transcript of the Will and Codicil of Thomas Burrough (1) (1775 - 1843) dated 4th March 1839 (Probate dated 11th December 1843) which has been split into the rows which were on very wide sheets of paper:-
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Thomas Burrough of Broad Chalke In the County of Wilts Yeoman. ffirst I direct that all my just debts and funeral
and testamentary expenses shall be fully paid and satisfied by my Executors hereinafter named and of my personal Estate I give and bequeath
unto my Dear Wife Nanny Burrough the use and enjoyment of all my singular household Goods and ffurniture and all other my household
effects for and during the term of her natural life and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto and equally between
and amongst such of my Children as shall be then living . I give devise and bequeath unto my Sons Thomas Burrough and John Burrough
All and Singular my ffreehold and leasehold messuages lands tenaments and hereditaments whatsoever of which I shall die pofsefsed with their ~~
respective appurtenancies To hold the same unto my said Sons their heirs executors and administrators according to the nature and quality thereof
respectively during the term of the natural life of my said Wife Upon the Trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same . I give and bequeath
unto my said Sons Thomas and John All my monies and securities for money stock in trade goods chattles and personal Estate and Effects ~~
whatsoever not hereinbefore otherwise disposed of To hold the same unto my said Sons their executors and administrators Upon Trust ~~~
nevertheless to collect get in and convert into money all such parts of my said personal Estate as shall not consist of Money and Government and ~
Real securities and after full payment thereout of my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses Upon trust to invest the residue of such money in ~
their own names in the Government stocks or funds or on real security with power to vary and transpose the same stocks funds and securities for ~
others of a like nature when they shall consider it expedient And I declare that my said Trustees and Trustee for the time being shall stand ~
pofsefsed of the said last mentioned stocks funds and securities together with all stocks funds and securities which shall belong to me at my decease
and also of my said ffreehold and Leasehold Premises Upon the trusts and to and for the intents and purposes following ( that is to say ) In ~
trust to pay the dividends and interest as shall from time to time arise from the said trust stocks funds and securities unto my said Wife ~
Nanny Burrough and to permit her to receive the rents and profits of my said ffreehold and Leasehold Premises until my youngest Son for the
time being shall attain his age of twenty one years to and for her own use and benefit And on my said youngest Son attaining that age
In trust to pay and divide the said interest and dividends and also the said rents and profits unto and equally between and amongst ~
my said wife and my four Sons viz themselves the said Thomas Burrrough and John Burrough and also William Burrough and Abner
Burrough during the life of my said Wife to and for their own use and benefit respectively and immediately after the decease of my said Wife I give
devise and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Burrough All that my Copyhold Estate at Broad Chalke aforesaid late Cooks which I ~~~
purchased of Job Rumpold and now in the occupation of Sarah Wright with the appurtenancies To hold the same unto my said Son ~~
Thomas his heirs executors and administrators for all the remainder of such estate and interest as shall be then to come therein. I give ~
and devise unto my said Son John All that my ffreehold house and garden and orchard at Broad Chalke aforesaid which I purchased of William
Haskell and now in my own occupation with the appurtenances To hold the same unto and to the use of my said son John his heirs ~
and asigns for ever. I give and devise unto my Son William Burrough All that my ffreehold orchard and piece of arable land containing
three acres or thereabouts situate at Broad Chalke aforesaid which I Purchased of the said Job Rumbold now in my own occupation
the appurtenances To hold the same unto and to the use of my said Son William his heirs and asigns for ever. I give and bequeath unto
my said Son William All that my Leasehold house and garden situate at Broad Chalke aforesaid late Job Rumbolds and now in the occupation
of Joseph Penny with the appurtenances To hold the same unto my said son William for all the remainder of such estate and interest as shall be then to come
therein. I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Abner Burrough All that my Copyhold house and garden and three acres ( or thereabouts ) of arable land at
Broad Chalke aforesaid late Perrys which I Purchased of William Haskell and now in the occupation of my Self and George Hewitt with the appurtenances and also all
That my leasehold house Garden and Orchard at Broad Chalke aforesaid late Huffs and now in the occupation of Ann Blick with
the appurtenances To hold the same copyhold and leasehold premises unto my said Son Abner his heirs executors and administrators
according to the nature and qualities thereof respectively for all the remainder of such estate and interest as shall be then to come therein respectively. And
as to all my said residuary trust monies stocks funds and securities Estate and Effects I direct that my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall
retain pay and divide the same unto and equally between and amongst my said four Sons Thomas John William and Abner to and for their own
use and benefit respectively And whereas I am desirous that all my Sons shall as near as may be equally benefitted out of my Property Now I
hereby declare that the value of the said ffreehold Leasehold and Copyhold premises hereinbefore given to my said several Sons shall for the purpose
hereinafter mentioned be considered to be of the respective values next hereinafter mentioned viz The Copyhold premises given to my said son ~~
Thomas one hundred and seventy pounds . The ffreehold premises given to my said son John Two hundred and eighty five Pounds .
The Freehold Premises
hereinbefore given to my said Son William two hundred and seventy five pounds and the Leasehold premises given to my same Son fforty pounds . The
Copyhold and Leasehold premises given to my said Son Abner Two hundred pounds . And I hereby declare and direct that notwithstanding the trust
hereinbefore contained as to the division and disposal of my residuary trust moneys and estate my said Sons John Thomas William and Abner shall
not be entitled to participate therein unless and until they shall respectively bring the said several values as hereinbefore specified and declared
of the said ffreehold and Leasehold and Copyhold premises hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to them respectively into distribution with each other
and make an allowance for the same . And whereas it may so happen that my said residuary estate may be insufficient to make up the
shares of my said sons equal one with the other according to the mode hereinbefore provided Now in that case I hereby revoke the bequest ~~~
hereinbefore contained of my said leasehold house and garden late Job Rumbolds in favour of my said Son William Burrough and direct that the said
Leasehold premises shall be sold by my Executors hereinafter named and the produce thereof applied in or towards making up such deficiency but in such
case it shall be lawful for my said Son William ( if he thinks proper ) to become the purchasor of the same premises at the sum of fforty pounds
And whereas I am now in treaty with the Steward of the Right honourable the Earl of Pembroke for Renewing my said Copyhold Estate ~
( late Cookes ) hereinbefore given to my son Thomas Now in case such renewal shall not be completed during my lifetime I Hereby direct ~
my Trustees and Executors to use their best endeavours to obtain the renewal of such copyhold premises Upon the terms which I have ~~
already agreed upon with such Steward or upon such other fair and reasonable terms as the effluxion of time and other circumstances
may require the expenses of such renewal to be defrayed out of my residuary personal estate but such renewal when effected shall not
in the division of my residuary property affect the value of the said Estate as hereinbefore declared . Provided and I hereby declare that
notwithstanding the trusts hereinbefore contained it shall be lawful for my said Trustees with the consent of my said wife to carry on my
ffarming business at Broad Chalke aforesaid for the benefit of my said wife during the minority of my said youngest Son and afterwards
for the joint benefit of herself and all my said Sons during the then remainder of her life and for that purpose to use and employ such
stock and capital as may be engaged in such business at my decease . And lastly I nominate and appoint my said Wife Nanny
Burrough and Sons Thomas Burrough and John Burrough joint Executrix and Executors of this
my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made . In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Burrough the Testator have to this
my last Will and Testament contained in this and three other sheets of paper hereunto annexed subscribed my hand this fourth day of
March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine==========Thomas Burrough==========
Signed by the said Testator in the presence of and attested and subscribed by us in his presence==========
Thomas Hale==========Thos W Randall
Extracted by Clarkson & Son
Proctor, Doctors Commons }
There is another document attached to the bottom which appears to be some kind of authorisation by Clarkson & Son, Proctor Doctors' Commons. Part of it says "Sworn Under Eight Hundred Pounds and that the Testator died on or about 9th June 1843".
The appearance of the Will is very similar to that of Joan Burrough's Will.
There is also a transcript of the Will which is handwritten but not signed by Thomas; the signatures at the end are of Thos. Hale and Thos. Randall so it is probably a draft or copy (it is marked as a copy in H G Burrough's blue ink handwriting). It is noticeable that there are spelling mistakes and numerous capital letters that do not occur in the original Will.