Abner Burrough's Diary : Broad Chalke


Abner Burrough's Diary : 1853 : pages 16 and 17

Abner Burrough's Diary 1853 page 16

22nd August 1853
17th March 1860


Abner Burrough's Diary 1853 page 17


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*1 and *2 "Collision with another Ship".

Abner Burrough, aged 29, emigrated to Australia with his wife Elizabeth (a cousin née Gould) in April 1853 and returned to London on June 27th 1860. His Diary details the journey to London, some sightseeing, a meeting with brother Thomas at Waterloo Station, a visit to Exeter Hall (used for holding religious and philanthropic meetings), the departure by ship, sea-sickness and moving his boxes to the Coffee Shop (possibly a hostel or boarding house) in Sydney; then brief details of their return journey in 1860 including a collision with another ship. They returned with one young daughter although there is no mention of her in the Diary, just one mention of Elizabeth on the outgoing journey.

In Australia they had a daughter who died after three days, a second daughter who died after ten days and a third daughter who returned to England with them and had a normal lifespan. A son was born later in England but died aged 13.

Images © John Burrough

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